Post from Cambodia

pakage received,

Hello all,


Thanks for the letters to the individual students. Chomroeun and Savong are waiting for my translation, but I handed the task over to Thanet and Rasy. They must learn how to appropriately translate the letters. The students have been quite busy with their farms. It has been raining alot recently. We hope the harvest this year is good. 


I received the package of letters last week and I took some photos for you too. The letters and pictures moved us a lot. It seems that the Angkor trip had just happened yesterday. Chanteang and Chanty were suprised to look at their own photos with big glasses on. Sothearat was jealous of Nada since Nada received the most pictures and letters. 


The students and I wish you good luck and happiness.


Best regards,


cha cha,  


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